ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving
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ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving ROV: Remote Operated Vehicles, Sonar, Underwater, Inspection, Tunnel, Diving
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Hibbard Inshore Technology

Imaging Sonar
Underwater Imaging with sound - How to see through murky water and precisely dimension structures...

Video & Lighting
Video isn't just video: how fiber optics, gas discharge lights, camera types, and lighting patterns get results...

Vehicle Navigation Sensors
Compass depth gauge, a full inertial guidance...

Acoustic Positioning Systems
USBL and LBL positioning systems use hydrophones to locate ROV's, Divers, vessel and tools...

Manipulators, Tool Sleds and VAT's@
Hydraulic and electric tools that ROV's work with underwater.

Research & Archeology
Sensors and Tools from the scientific community.



Hibbard Inshore - Technology - Video

Video on an ROV is a technology often taken for granted. Many factors affect the quality of the image and the range of visibility. These factors include the type of camera, type of lights, amount of light, lighting pattern, fiber optic data transmission, and the pilots flight path.

Types of video cameras - Video cameras come in two basic types, monochrome and color. For a given size of camera, a monochrome camera will be many times more sensitive to light and have a higher resolution. Cameras with better sensitivity to light can see further through the water. In the absense of color, certain features are missing. This is the advantage of multiple cameras installed on any given ROV.

Advanced Cameras - Higher resolution or more light sensitive cameras are often used. Resolutions as high as High Definition Television cameras can be used underwater. Also, ultra light sensitive monochrome cameras called SIT (Silicon Intensified Target) cameras can be used to extend the maximum viewing range in turbid water.

Lighting - The lights on an ROV can be standard incandescent lights, LED lights, HID or HMI. Incandescent lights work well and come in every wattage and voltage available. LED (Light Emitting Diode) lights are very low power consumption. HID, HMI and Xenon lights are advanced lights that have very high light outputs for their electrical input and have superior light spectrums for video imaging.

Data Transmission - The video can be transmitted over copper or over fiber optics. Fiber optics offer superior image quality and virtually no signal loss even over cables that are miles long.

Experience - Experience is the last, yet most important component of clear video imaging underwater. Smooth piloting with the proper lighting and cameras gives the best possible imaging. Experienced pilots adjust everything from the position of the ROV, tilt of the camera, light intensity and camera selection to obtain the most meaningful image.


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